Our Programmes

Global WYK Accredited Capacity Building & Entrepreneurship Programmes

Our Current programmes

Please contact us directly for more information on our current programmes

Kids Empowerment & Development Capacity Building Course (KED-CBC) with Higher Education Credits

Includes: Human Rights, Gender Equality, Conflict Transformation & Sustainable Development Goals (Ages from 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17). This course is CPD Accredited as of 27/April/2022.

Research, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability Programme for Empowerment & Conflict Transformation (R.E.S.P.E.C.T) Diploma Level

Includes: Human Rights, Gender Equality, Conflict Transformation & Sustainable Development Goals Research & Entrepreneurship (Age 14-16, 17-19 & Adults). This course is CPD Accredited as of 27/April/2022.​

Anyone is eligible to apply for our paid courses and all courses are free for those who are assessed to be from a marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged community and/or have a disability of any kind and Women and Children who suffered any form of violence or abuse.